All the articles I've archived.
2024 1
November 1
Trải nghiệm lần đầu thi khoa học kĩ thuật
Updated: at 11:06 AM ()Trải nghiệm lần đầu cũng như lần cuối thi khoa học kĩ thuật bậc THPT và những vấn đề xung quanh
2023 3
September 3
Color Thresholding
Updated: at 09:12 AM ()This guide explores using EasyOpenCV, an OpenCV library for FTC robots, to identify an object's location based on color thresholding
Introduction to OpenCV for FTC
Updated: at 09:12 AM ()This guide provides a thorough introduction to using EasyOpenCV, a library that simplifies OpenCV integration within FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) robots. OpenCV is a powerful computer vision library that allows robots to "see" and understand their environment.
Introduction to Vuforia
Updated: at 09:12 AM ()This guide provides a thorough introduction to using Vuforia - a library often used with vision detection for FTC
2022 1
September 1
Adding new posts in AstroPaper theme
Updated: at 09:12 AM ()Some rules & recommendations for creating or adding new posts using AstroPaper theme.