Trần Khánh Thành
Hi, I'm Thanh, but you can call me Kevin! I'm a high school student who loves science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). I'm especially interested in robotics and programming. I'm always curious about how things work and love to build and create new things. I've been lucky enough to achieve some great things. Last year, I won a gold medal at the FIRST Global Challenge. This summer, I attended the Math and Science Summer Program (MASSP). I also started the Ung Hoa B Robotics and STEAM Club. As the founder, I help other students learn about technology and innovation.
Trải nghiệm lần đầu thi khoa học kĩ thuật
Updated: at 11:06 AM (8 min read)Trải nghiệm lần đầu cũng như lần cuối thi khoa học kĩ thuật bậc THPT và những vấn đề xung quanh
Adding new posts in AstroPaper theme
Updated: at 09:12 AM (5 min read)Some rules & recommendations for creating or adding new posts using AstroPaper theme.
Color Thresholding
Updated: at 09:12 AM (6 min read)This guide explores using EasyOpenCV, an OpenCV library for FTC robots, to identify an object's location based on color thresholding
Introduction to OpenCV for FTC
Updated: at 09:12 AM (4 min read)This guide provides a thorough introduction to using EasyOpenCV, a library that simplifies OpenCV integration within FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) robots. OpenCV is a powerful computer vision library that allows robots to "see" and understand their environment.
Introduction to Vuforia
Updated: at 09:12 AM (1 min read)This guide provides a thorough introduction to using Vuforia - a library often used with vision detection for FTC